Join our new community choir!

    Have you heard? We’re looking for 50 people to form a community choir from September!

    After the success of our Get Singing Community Choir, which came together last year to perform in our production of Beautiful Thing, we’re excited to launch the Factory Singers Choir as a regular part of our Get Involved programme of activity.

    The choir will sing a range of styles of music. including funk, pop, soul and disco, and will perform at a variety of events throughout the year.  New members of the choir are very welcome – and there are no auditions!

    Read more information about the Factory Singers Choir and how to join this group who sing with joy, passion, groove and style!

    Some members of the original Get Singing Community Choir recently met up to perform as part of the Tobacco Factory’s 25th anniversary celebrations over the late May bank holiday weekend. Singing the numbers they performed in Beautiful Thing last year, the group proved that they had lost none of their infectious energy and ability to entertain a crowd!

    The Factory Singers Choir – now looking for new members from September 2019!

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